Hotel in Siem Reap

Tips on where to stay in Siem Reap, Cambodia, to make the most of your visit to the city.

Upon our arrival at the hotel, we were greeted with another refreshing towel and cool tea, which came in handy because it was quite hot outside. Later, I realized that the day of our arrival had been unusually warm, and in the remaining days of our stay in Siem Reap, the sky became cloudier, and the heat became more bearable (though it still reached highs of 33°C).

We had a great stay at the Virtoth’s Hotel (book here). The hotel is quite centrally located (about a 15-minute walk to the Night Market, for example), yet far enough from the hustle and bustle of the main streets.

We frequently used the hotel’s pool (which was also saltwater) during the afternoons following our morning excursions.

The hotel staff were very attentive and assisted us with suggestions for tours, restaurant reservations, and the icing on the cake was when we went out for dinner, and they sprayed us with mosquito repellent which smelled amazing!

 Siem Reap

On the day of our departure from Siem Reap, the hotel arranged transportation to the airport, and to our surprise, a vintage Rolls Royce arrived and took us to the airport at no extra cost! That was my first time riding in a Rolls Royce, although I was a bit stressed while trying to find accommodation in Sihanoukville, because we had just found out that all boats to our next destination, Koh Rong Island, had been cancelled due to bad weather conditions. More details in the post Arrival at Koh Rong.

In short, I loved the hotel, and was very impressed by the friendliness of all the staff, I highly recommend it!

The hotel was booked well in advance through Booking, which is my go-to for making hotel bookings.

Oh, here’s an interesting one, the whole time we were in Cambodia we didn’t hear any Portuguese being spoken, except in the hotel where there was a large group of tourists, some of whom were Portuguese. We chatted to a Portuguese lady who had a childhood friend who lived in the same town I grew up in, Figueira da Foz. We were also the only Portuguese people she had met during her two-week trip from north to south Cambodia. Small world, right?

Don’t miss the post with lots of suggestions on Things to do in Siem Reap.

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