Where to eat in Siem Reap

Restaurant suggestions for all tastes in Siem Reap, Cambodia, from traditional Khmer cuisine to Italian food.

Below is a list of restaurants we have tried in Siem Reap, including an ice cream shop right next to Pub Street. I’ve also included other restaurants that we haven´t tried, but that have a very good reputation. Bon appétit!

Restaurant Haven

Haven Restaurant not only serves excellent food at affordable prices but also serves as a catering training school and social project. Haven aims to empower young adults from poor and disadvantaged areas by providing them with free training, accommodation, as well as support om starting their careers outside Haven.

For more details about this incredible project, see the link here.

I recommend trying the Khmer Curry, it was divine.

Restaurant Chanrey Tree

This was the restaurant we had planned to have dinner at, but since it was undergoing renovations, we ended up dining at its sister restaurant right next door, “Sokkhak River,” which also has a hotel of the same name. As I understand it, the kitchen is shared between the restaurants in the group. I had imagined the Chanrey Tree to be more casual and with the option to eat outside, but I will never find out.

We had local dishes which were very good, although it’s not a very cheap restaurant, with higher prices expected for a hotel restaurant.

To find out more about this restaurant press here.

Mamma Shop Italian Restaurant

After several days of eating Asian food, I have to confess that a pizza was a good idea, and since this restaurant had good reviews, we decided to give it a try.

The pizzas were really delicious and reasonable priced, I highly suggest trying it out.

When ordering, consider ordering less pizzas than the number of people, and if you’re still hungry, you can always order more. Unfortunately, we ordered too much food and left there stuffed, as Hélio says, “better stuffed than let it go to waste.”

In addition to pizzas, the restaurant has many other Italian dishes, such as homemade pasta, risotto, and much more.

Restaurant BAO Kandal

Surprisingly, here in Singapore, I don’t find many sandwich-type Bao (Gua Bao) options. The closed type of Bao, typical of Chinese cuisine, is much more common in Singapore. So when we found a sandwich-style Bao restaurant, typical of Taiwan, we didn’t hesitate to give it a go.

The BAO Kandal did not disappoint, and the baos were absolutely delicious, but be aware that they are massive, and one per person should be enough. The bao dough is homemade, as are the noodles that Maria Rita ordered, which were also very good. 

Both Mamma Shop Italian Restaurant and BAO Kandal are located in Kandal Village, also mentioned in the post Shopping in Siem Reap.

For Kandal Village location click here.

Gelato Lab

Just off Pub Street is this very popular ice cream shop with very reasonable prices. We went there after dinner, and when we arrived, there were no more cones or some basic flavours like chocolate. After Maria Rita recovered from her disappointment, we picked other flavours, and I particularly remember the passion fruit sorbet, which was delicious.

If possible, it is best to visit in the afternoon to avoid being caught off guard by limited selections.

In addition to the places mentioned above that we tried out, here are some other suggestions that were recommended, although we didn’t have the opportunity to visit them:

Restaurant JOMNO – Modern Khmer Cuisine

A traditional Khmer cuisine restaurant, more information here.

Restaurant Malis Siem Reap

This restaurant is considered more high-end, and also boasts excellent reviews. More information here.

Restaurant Mahob

Another traditional Khmer cuisine restaurant, where they also offer cooking classes. See more here.

Don’t forget to check out great tours suggested in the post Things to do in Siem Reap.

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