Hotel in Koh Rong

Great accommodation in Koh Rong for the best beachfront on Pagoda Beach. Enjoy bungalows on the beach, and guaranteed barefoot vibes.

Our hotel, The Secret Garden Koh Rong (book here), was the furthest away from the Pagoda Beach pier, and for sure the one with the best beachfront.

The hotel isn’t very big, with perhaps 12 bungalows (and a few more being built), so we weren’t expecting a crowd. However, on the day we arrived, we were the only ones who made it to the boat, which meant we were the sole guests! Well, us and the neighbour’s cows who liked to wander over to the pool area.

Koh Rong

The day after our arrival at Koh Rong, more people started to check in, and I was secretly hoping that some children would come for Maria Rita to play with – and it happened! Ieiiii! A family arrived with a daughter the same age, and they played together a lot in the following days. The hotel also provides beach toys for kids, which was quite handy.

The bungalows are right on the beach, and we hardly wore any shoes since the moment we got here. The hotel has a laid-back vibe, the rooms are simple but have everything you need, and the shower is outdoors behind the bungalows (with privacy, of course).

Unfortunately, it didn’t stop raining during our entire stay, turning what could have been a dream beach holiday into days of heavy downpour mixed with a lot of wet beach time.

When we went in July, it was already considered the rainy season, which lasts from May to its peak in October, and I was aware of the possibility of this happening. However, we were unlucky because we didn’t even get to see a glimpse of blue sky. The hotel also told us that these were quite unusual days, and that it’s not very common not to have a break from the rain.

Koh Rong

The hotel has a little shop that sells beachwear, sunscreen, and some beautiful items from Lolaola, which I mentioned in the post Shopping in Siem Reap. If you’re interested in any of their items, you can contact Lolaola, and they will promptly send your order to the hotel.

Final thoughts on The Secret Garden

If you’re looking for a place to spend a quiet beach holiday without having to leave or explore outside the hotel, this is the place to be!

The hotel has a restaurant that serves Asian cuisine, with some western dishes available. While the restaurant is nothing to write about, it is quite decent.

There are only hotels at Pagoda beach, but if you want to visit one of the four villages on Koh Rong island, the hotel can arrange transport.

To sum up, if the weather had been better during our stay, I’m sure I would have had better memories of the days we spent here. Even so, I really enjoyed the hotel!

Don’t miss the Things to do in Koh Rong post for more information about the island.

*This post contains affiliated links, and if you make a reservation/purchase through them I may earn a small commission at no extra cost you.

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