Things to do in Koh Rong

Ideas for things to do on the island of Koh Rong in Cambodia, and the best time of year to visit both this island and its sister island, Koh Rong Samloem.

If you’ve read the Hotel in Koh Rong post, you’ll know that the beach we were staying on was quite remote, and our plans for the three days on the island revolved around beach and water activities.

The hotel provided kayaks and stand-up paddleboards for guests to use, and that’s basically what we did — we just had to grab the boards that were already on the beach and head out into the water.

Since it was raining the whole time, we didn’t end up doing much more, but there are other activities to explore on the island, such as:

  • Exploring the island’s beaches — here you have a very comprehensive list of the beaches of Koh Rong and its sister island, Koh Rong Samloem.
  • Taking a night boat trip to see the bioluminescent plankton.
  • Taking mangroves tours.
  • Visiting the Sok San waterfall.

Also check out this website where you’ll find complete information about the beaches and villages of Koh Rong.

Koh Rong
Tip on when to Visit Koh Rong

If you don’t want to risk rainy days on Koh Rong or Koh Rong Samloem, plan your visit between mid-November and April. During this time, the chance of rain is low and sunny days are almost guaranteed.

If you’re planning to combine your trip with a visit to the temples of Angkor Wat, it’s best to travel between November and February, as the temperatures in the following months tend to be very high, averaging around 35°C. While these temperatures may be tolerable when enjoying the beach, they become more challenging when visiting the temples.

There are always pros and cons to travelling out of season. The obvious advantage is that you can get better prices and enjoy a quieter holiday with fewer tourists. When I decided to go to Koh Rong in July, it was definitely a risk — which, in our case, didn’t work out well. But it could have been worth it!

Have a look at the posts about our stay in Siem Reap.

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